Meet your GP Surgery Team


Dr Harpreet Sethi (f)

Dr Aminullah Zamani (m)

Dr B Thapa (m)

Dr Ravpreet Kaur (f)

Medical Degree – BMBS, BM, MBChB.
These are all equivalent medical degrees. All doctors study at university for 5 or 6 years to obtain a medical degree, the exact name of this depends on the university.

Additional Science degrees – BmedSci.
This is a university degree awarded after 1-3 years of further study.

Postgraduate Qualifications – DRCOG, DFFP, DRSH, CME.
Diplomas awarded for studies in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Family Planning, sexual Health and Medical Education respectively.

Membership of Royal College of General Practice – MRCGP/nMRCP.
MRCGP is awarded for passing the membership exam of the Royal College of General Practitioners, and is the qualification allowing a doctor to practice as a GP.

MSc Sports medicine.
This is a postgraduate Masters Science degree in Sport Medicine.

Nursing Team

Doris McManus (f)

Jaswinder Ganesh (f)

Inderjit Rai
Health Care Assistant

Shabnam Alam
Physician Associate

Ikram Hassan
Physician Associate

Practice Team

Narinder Malhi
Practice Manager

Parul Dave
Deputy Practice Manager

Alison Harris
Reception and Administration

Balbir Ubhi
Reception and Administration

Madalsa Vedi
Reception and Administration

Ekam Kaur
Reception and Administration

Jovita Fernandes
Reception and Administration